Evangeline Lilly On Beach Kissing A Guy!

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Hey, guess what! Evangeline Lilly is single! Yes, that's right, she and the Hobbit, Dominic Monaghan are no longer together (and no longer engaged, for that matter). Is it because his character on Lost died (Charlie is dead, right? They're not gonna bring him back, are they?), so he's no longer on set to spend every day with Evangline? Or did she just get tired of him, and his being a Hobbit? Page Six reports that Monaghan was spotted crying, and kissing another woman at an LA restaurant on Saturday.
"LOST" hottie Evangeline Lilly and her hobbit-like fiance, Dominic Monaghan, have hit the skids. Monaghan, whose character was killed off the show, was spotted crying, holding and kissing a woman who was not Lilly at El Coyote restaurant in L.A. on Saturday, reports entertainment blogger Nelson Aspen. "They were right in the middle of the room, they weren't interested in privacy," he said. "They looked very intimate. They were nursing margaritas, leaning in, chain-smoking, having intense conversation." The two eventually drove off in a Toyota Prius together. Reps for Lilly and Monaghan did not return calls.

All I can say is I'm not surprised. The surprising thing was that these two were ever together in the first place. I mean really, she totally belongs with Jack. Am I right or am I right? Yes, I know he's a fictional character. What? Okay fine. Well, I'm single...

Anyway, here are some nice Evangeline Lilly bikini pictures from back in the day, when these two were all over each other all the time. In fact, these pics were actually posted here exactly 2 years ago, to the day. Yeah, these two have been together for over two years. And now she's mine.


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