Eva Longoria Is On Strike

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Eva Longoria
showed her support for the Writers Guild of America protestors on the set of Desperate Housewives yesterday. Julia Louis Dreyfus happened to be there as well. The two shared a little hug, and, whoa, hold on a second, I thought this was a picket line. Not my deepest, darkest fantasy come to life in excruciating detail. Eva Longoria? Julia Louis Dreyfus? A union strike? If a white van stocked full of Domino’s pizza shows up, I’m going to be officially freaked out. Wait, what is- NO WAY! That is unbelievable. David Copperfield, did you do this? No, it couldn’t be. Not enough rape. Criss Angel, maybe? Nope, not enough doucheyness. Superman? Lee Majors? That little kid with the glasses from Jerry Maguire? Someone toss me a hint.


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