Mandy Moore Dating Mathew Perry

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Mandy Moore has been seen getting close to Matthew Perry. The two are eleven years apart, but, eh, whatever. That never matters in these Hollywood relationships. Even the boring ones. Page Six reports:

One source said, "He was already seated and waited for her for 15 minutes until she arrived. He stood up to greet her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. They were holding hands across the table and being really close and laughing a lot the whole time."

Could this be anymore boring? Did you see what I just did there? Remember when Chandler said that all the time on Friends? Could this be anymore something. Oh man, that show cracked me up. They were just like real people but with an impossible amount of free time to drink coffee. Hilarious! And talk about genius casting. They got that dude Courtney Cox to play a chick. Ground breaking stuff. You just don’t see shows take a chance like that anymore. Except for Reba. They actually used her real name! I still don't believe it.


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